Modern painter's blog

I am a painter and an illustrator with an interest in modern and conceptual art, sculpture and photography. With the help of this blog, I would like to share my passion with people near and far. I write about my work, the things I see and how I perceive them. Thanks for stopping by.

The farm-to-bar revolution has emerged as a transformative force in the chocolate industry, challenging conventional practices and fostering a deeper connection between consumers, farmers, and the cacao bean's journey. In this article, we delve into the significance of the farm-to-bar movement, its impact on sustainability, quality, and social...

Last week I went to see an exhibition at the City gallery. It was a collection of works by contemporary painters, photographers and conceptual artists. In many ways I found it inspiring and in others not so much. Let me guide you through the exhibition from my point of view.

When I first started with painting, I tried to capture every little object in a great detail and fit it in a landscape that was already filled. When I saw these painting later, I realized that a viewer probably didn't know what to concentrate on first. Discovering minimalism has really helped me with that and here are five tips that may help you as well.

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